Promo video for Shervin's new album 'I Hear You, Mother Earth'
Shervin’s new 12-track album, “I Hear You, Mother Earth,” contains a timely message of coming home to music as medicine from our natural world. A timely antidote to the rampant fear and anxiety caused by the world’s current pandemic… Relieve Stress. Simplify Life. Bring Your Mind, Body, and Soul into Harmony with these Ancient Medicine Mantras and Healing Messages from Nature and the Unseen World. “I Hear You,
Mother Earth,” produced by former chart-topping “Candy Flip” duo member and music producer, Ric Peet (UK), contains over 70 minutes of “medicine” songs. These songs feature acoustic instruments used for sound healing from every corner of the globe, almost all of which are presented by Shervin. Traditional Bali-style voice and instruments are shared from Sound Healing Bali’s renowned presenter, Gede Artha(Partha), on four of the album’s 12 tracks with Shervin bringing his smooth, delicate, and often mesmerizing vocals to 6 tracks while singing in five different languages.
Listeners familiar with Shervin’s signature Sound Medicine journeys will recognize this album as a supercharged studio version of those improvised natural sound and live music presentations, with 4 instrumental tracks also contained. The album is more than a medicine music collection however, as it also contains nature recordings and pays homage to Balinese ceremonial chants and sounds. Balinese culture professes respect for nature. An underlyingphilosophy of “Tri-Hita Kerana” means harmony with nature, harmony with humanity, and harmony with the unseen divine world, beautifully ties in with the album’s theme.